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Finding Acceptance in His Arms Page 2

  “Excellent. You have intelligence to go along with your boldness. That makes you a very rare commodity.”

  “How so?” she asked, her face flushing with real excitement for the first time since she sat down.

  “Most people let life just kind of happen to them. You obviously don’t do that. You go after what you want with a vengeance. And although I’ve just met you, I can’t imagine ever hearing the words ‘it kind of just happened to me’ coming from your lips. You like to instigate what you want to happen instead. Am I right, Problem Solver?”

  “Maybe.” It surprised her that he picked up on her goal-oriented personality so quickly. Most men were immediately blinded by her looks and remained blinded, so couldn’t ever see that she had a personal agenda. Maybe there was more to Mr. Lars than she previously intuited? She put this thought in the back of her mind to dissect later.

  Mr. Lars gave up the semblance of a smile. “Monday, after you see my doctor, at around two o’clock a package will arrive to your door. Be there to receive it. It will contain the tools of our trade, along with instructions of what you should do with them. Follow the instructions to the letter. Do not deviate from them. Afterward, around five o’clock take a long, leisurely bath and then dress fashionably appropriate for a dinner out at a nice restaurant. I’m thinking something in blue so we’ll match. I’ll pick you up at seven for our date.”

  Kara sat back in her chair. “Are we dating now?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, honey. It’s a test.”

  “Great,” Kara declared.

  “We’ll see if you change your mind once my dick is stuck up your ass, because the clients have requested three,” he held up three fingers for emphasis, “fifteen minute scenes of pleasurable, unprotected sex. They are deep throat oral, deep vaginal, and deep anal. This is generally what I call a normal request. What would you call it?”

  The smartass in Kara wanted to say, ‘A regular Saturday night out on the town,’ but the cautious part of her personality warned her to keep her big mouth shut since it would be a totally false statement. So instead, she only partly lied. “I’m no stranger to anal sex if you’re still trying to scare me off. I really like a big cock deep inside my ass. And yes, it’s my favorite.”

  “For how long a period of time?”

  “For as long as it takes to get me off usually. But I can always last longer if the need arises.”

  “Okay then, I’ll take your word for it presently, but please know before next Saturday arrives I’ll have a suitable replacement lined up if it turns out on Friday night that you’re lying or your blood work reveals you have some health-related issues to deal with.”

  “What’s going to happen on Friday night?” Kara discreetly licked her lips, already knowing the answer to this question.

  “It’s audition night for you.” Mr. Lars’s expression remained somber.

  “Why not go ahead and do the run-through tonight?”

  “I want to get to know you so we’ll have a genuine connection.”

  “How romantic of you,” she quipped.

  He snorted in derision. “Fucking is like any other team sport. It always works out better if you have foreknowledge of your teammate’s likes and dislikes, their cans and their cannots.”

  “And a clean blood test only prevents you from having unnecessary stress, right?” Yeah, she had figured out the real reason for his reluctance to have sex with her tonight. And she respected his reasoning. He wasn’t the only one cautious of venereal disease. Hence she asked, “And my assurance of your cleanliness?”

  Admiration seeped into Mr. Lars’ eyes. “I’ll instruct the doctor at your appointment to share with you my latest results. I already mentioned you were intelligent, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, I think you did.” She stifled a smile.

  “Oh yeah, one last thing…” Pure deviousness danced in his eyes. “Please fetch Stephanie from the restroom and don’t forget to apologize for being so interesting I couldn’t run you off right away.”

  Kara remained seated in silence. How could he abruptly change his personality from good to evil in the blink of an eye?

  He feigned surprise while inclining an ear toward her. “And the word of the evening and all next week is…”

  “Amenable.” She came back to her senses. “I’ll go get Stephanie for you right now.”

  “Thank you, Kara. Now you say, ‘You’re most welcome, Evan.’”

  She tried her best to dismiss her unease and the terrific arousal it caused within her. She nibbled on her bottom lip before smiling beautifully. “You’re most welcome, Evan, as the pleasure of our visit has certainly been all mine this evening.”

  Chapter Two

  The following Monday afternoon Kara sat on a sofa while staring down into a plain brown cardboard box. This box lay open upon her lap. Her gray eyes darted over the contents, but she made no movement to bring forth any of the items lying inside. Instead, she let out a breath of pent-up anxiety before glancing over the coffee table at her oldest and dearest friend, Jennifer Spawson, who sat on a loveseat.

  “Well? Let me see what he sent you.” Jennifer stretched her pretty face and head of shoulder-length straight blond hair toward the box.

  Kara tipped the box forward.

  Jennifer’s face lit up. “Ooh, two bottles of premium lube, one silicone-based and one water-based. A bottle of toy cleanser, three graduated sized buttplugs—hmmm, very nice, and they’re pink, your favorite color. And one clear, very large dildo. What a lucky girl you are today!”

  Kara found her friend’s enthusiasm infectious. A smile curled the corners of her lips as she picked up the dildo to examine it.

  “Wait a second…” Jennifer pointed at the dildo. “Toss it over. I want to get a better look at it.”

  “What is it?” Kara saw nothing special about the fake cock, except for its prodigious length and girth.

  “Just toss it on over.”

  Kara did, and Jennifer caught it midair. She ran her gaze and fingers over it, turning it every which way. Once she concluded her examination, she pitched it back across the coffee table. “I see how it’s going to be with you two now.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Jennifer’s blue eyes danced mischievously. “How’d you get to be so special? All he gave me was a plastic, missile-shaped vibrator and he gives you an exact replica of his dick. What gives?”

  It took Kara a moment to comprehend what her friend implied. She looked down at the dildo in her hands. “Surely it isn’t.”

  Jennifer giggled while nodding her head. “I sucked it for fifteen minutes on two separate occasions. So I think I’d know it when I see it. And it’s certainly him. What did you do to get preferential treatment? Did you fawn all over him the other night while I was away in Chicago and forget to tell me?”

  “No, I didn’t do any such thing! I told you everything said between us. I offered to have sex with him and he outright refused me. I came straight home afterward.”

  “Well, you must have done something?”

  “If I did, I don’t know what it was.”

  “If you say so.” Jennifer shrugged, but the twinkle in her eyes remained.

  To silence any doubts about Evan liking her more than their arrangement allowed, she said, “Maybe it’s just something new he’s implemented to condition girls to his size. He seemed very concerned about me making him look bad. His performances are his livelihood so I can see how he would want me to practice with an exact replica to make sure I’m ready. If anything, he probably thinks my petite body can’t handle him.”

  “Maybe you’re right?” Jennifer conceded, growing somewhat serious. “Who can say what he’s thinking at any given time. I can’t ever tell when I’m around him. It’s like he’s always in conquest mode, sex constantly on his brain.”

  “He’s an enigma.”

  “What if he falls in love with you?” The mischievous light returned to Jennifer’s eyes. “You might be the girl who
makes him swear off all other women.”

  Kara ignored her friend’s joking. She held up the dildo, making sure to put on her most circumspect face. “So he’s really this big?”

  “Yep, he’s that big. Now quit gawking at it and dig out the instructions and the script. I want to know what roles they’re requesting for you and him to play. You can read his instructions while I read the script.”

  Kara placed the dildo on the sofa cushion alongside her leg before dumping the contents of the box beside it. She tossed the script over to Jennifer. Picking up the instructions, she began reading.

  Hello Kara,

  Please ask Jennifer for instructions on what to do with the toys since you are staying with her following your recent return to Atlanta. When we first spoke you led me to believe you’d always lived here and that she was only a casual acquaintance from your building. Why the deception? I’m very interested in hearing your explanation tonight.


  With the last of the words reverberating inside her mind, Kara’s stomach churned and the blood drained from her face. She turned on Jennifer, who appeared to be enraptured by the script.

  “What did you tell Evan when he called to check up on my story yesterday, Jennifer? Did you let it slip about my visiting from New York? Please tell me you didn’t.”

  “What?” Jennifer looked up.

  “New York,” Kara enunciated. “What did you say was my reason for visiting you? You let it slip about New York, didn’t you?”

  Jennifer waved her off. “No, I didn’t. He blatantly asked me why the address you gave him matched mine perfectly. To cover, I told him you were you staying with me following your recent return from traveling around the country. I led him to believe that you live a bohemian lifestyle, sort of moving from couch to couch until you finally break into the porn business on your own terms. Please give me some credit, Kara.”

  “And you’re certain you didn’t say anything about New York?”

  “Yes, I’m absolutely positive.”

  Kara pursed her lips. “Okay. So he knows nothing of us being more than just friends?”

  “He knows absolutely nothing about our intimate relationship,” Jennifer promised. “I only told him we were old friends.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me he asked you about the address?” Kara struggled to keep her rising temper in check. “You should have told me right away! There is too much at stake for him to find out the real reason why I want to do this!”

  Jennifer let out an exasperated sigh. “I was only postponing telling you until later this afternoon. I’m very sorry for waiting. If I had it to do over again I would tell you right away so you could go ahead and start being obsessive and neurotic. Because you know how much I love those aspects of your personality. You’re a freaking pleasure to be around when you get like that.”

  “It’s fine.” Kara let out a frustrated breath. She’d just have to think of a believable explanation for her deceitfulness by tonight. No real harm done. She cast a look of contrition onto Jennifer. “I’m sorry for overreacting. I’m just frightened he’ll find out the real motivation behind my actions.”

  “If you don’t tell him, he’ll never find out. Now quit stressing out on me and get that pretty ass over here. You obviously need an orgasm to settle your nerves.”

  Kara made no movement to get up. She crossed her arms under her breasts in a mock act of defiance. “Since you didn’t tell me right away you can clean the toys before we get started…” Silence stretched between them. “I’m waiting.”

  “And with that haughty attitude you can wait a little longer, diva.” Jennifer turned back to the script. “I’m only two pages in and this script is so decadent I’ve suddenly decided I want to read to the very end.”

  Thirty minutes later, after a thorough cleansing shower, Kara and Jennifer returned to the living room to embrace each other’s nakedness in front of the sofa. Warm tongues explored lush lips and mouths while knowing hands and fingers softly caressed breasts and butts.

  After several minutes, once her desire was properly stoked, Kara let herself be pushed down onto the sofa. Jennifer took the dominant position over her with one hand grasping a handful of hair to control her head while they kissed. Jennifer’s free hand squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples. Kara moaned as she was held down, and only put up mock resistance.

  Abruptly breaking the kiss, Jennifer rose up and tugged Kara’s head in the direction of the sofa’s arm. “Crawl over and put your hands on the floor to support your upper body. I want your ass up in the air for this.”

  Kara’s arousal thrilled at what these instructions portended. She let herself be directed over the sofa’s arm. Extending her hands against the floor, she continued wiggling forward until her ass arched upwards over the sofa’s arm. She welcomed the rush of blood to her head, the growing tension in her arms, the way this position caused her back to arch and how it made her cheeks splay wide open.

  “Very good.” Jennifer released Kara’s hair to move into a kneeling position directly behind her.

  Hot breath ricocheted off Kara’s clit now and teased her of what was to come. Tremors of anticipation ran up and down her body.

  Jennifer’s warm, wet tongue lapped at the outer edges of her lips, almost touching the inner lips, but not quite. Kara cooed loudly, reveling in this teasing. More teasing followed with the tongue once again licking along her outer lips in sliding up and across her right cheek.

  Kara became frustrated, wanting her clit licked, and not gently either. Within her growing impatience, she knew Jennifer would torture her until she begged for it.

  This truth caused her arousal to surge, because begging, to her, was a most delicious thing, and especially so when she knew she would eventually get what she begged for. But still, for the time being, she held off to test Jennifer’s resolve along with her own.

  The teasing tongue quickly became a hateful instrument. It never went to the exact place she wanted it to go. She could feel her resolve crumbling with every glancing lick alongside her clit. Her arousal quickly reached fever pitch and she vented her frustration in a tortured wail.

  “Please, Jennifer. Please give my little clitty what it wants. I’ll be good and return the favor afterward. Please!”

  “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. And then the next thing you’ll want is your asshole licked. With you, one somehow always leads to the other. And we both know which one you really crave the most. But I don’t know if I want to do that for you today. I’m not sure if you’ve been good enough to deserve it.”

  “Pleeaassee!” Kara glanced back over her shoulder to show Jennifer the desperation plastered all over her face.

  “Well, maybe just a little,” Jennifer teased. “After you first tell me about your visit to the doctor this morning. I bet you thought Dr. Eve was very pretty. She’s single, you know. She divorced her husband only last month.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Kara panted. “I refrained from asking about her personal life. And yes, she’s very pretty. Now please lick my clit! I’m begging you!”

  The errant tongue quickly slid over her engorged clitoris to dip between her inner lips in traveling almost all the way to where Kara wanted.

  “Please, Jennifer…” Kara groaned in frustration.

  “There, there. We’ll get to what you really want, eventually,” Jennifer promised. “Now tell me what she said when you related your sexual history.”

  Kara glowered at her friend and lover, now knowing where this interrogation was going. Though she would never openly admit it, she rejoiced in the knowledge, muttering, “She didn’t make any judgments.”

  “Really?” Jennifer sounded perplexed. “Not even when you told her how much you like to stuff things up your ass?”

  “I didn’t tell her about that.” Kara moaned deeply at the thought of the pleasurable humiliation she would have suffered if she’d been honest and if Dr. Eve would have been accepting of her fetish.

  Another torturous
lick quickly followed, this one the same as the one before, except it glided to the left side of her anus. Kara stifled the howl of frustration surging up her throat.

  “Why didn’t you tell her?”

  “Feminists aren’t supposed to like things like that.” A wave of humiliation crashed over Kara, threatening to bury her beneath its weight. “We’re supposed to be normal, with normal sexual urges. To admit having abnormal sexual urges is equivalent to committing social suicide.”

  “You’re always worried about how you are perceived in other people’s eyes, aren’t you? But still, you were honest. That’s deserves something, I suppose.”

  Another lick as a reward. This one fully laved her asshole, teasing the sphincter muscle without ever slipping inside. Kara moaned loudly, not wanting it to end. But it did anyway.

  “She probably knew as soon as she saw all the deep wrinkles in it and felt its looseness,” Jennifer said. “Both are dead giveaways. How does it make you feel to know a virtual stranger is aware of your anal fetish?”

  “I don’t know. Please lick me again, Jennifer. Pleeaassee!”

  No lick this time. “Tell me the truth, Kara, or I’m getting up and leaving you on your own.”

  Kara wilted under the threat. “I’m embarrassed but somehow turned on by it at the same time. I don’t really understand why. Now please give me what I want!” Secretly, she thrilled at the awful cracking of her voice and the welling of tears in her eyes.

  “Good girl,” Jennifer soothed. The wonderful tongue returned in earnest this time, delving inside the sphincter muscle to open Kara up like she hadn’t been opened by a soft tongue in over three days. It was heavenly, this gentle probing into her most sensitive area.

  And so, Kara began floating on a cloud of ascending bliss. Without a doubt, analingus represented the epitome of oral sex for her. The very first time she saw it performed on an adult video she was mesmerized by the act. The first time she performed it, and then had the favor returned, she’d become enthralled to it. She simply loved it, giving or receiving, wholeheartedly. She knew this made her a despicable person in most people’s eyes, but then, this life and the pleasure allotted to her in it belonged to her, not to them. So damn them and their self-righteous judgments.